Bahar Irfan



  • Multimodal User Enjoyment Detection in Human-Robot Conversation: The Power of Large Language Models

    A. Pereira, L. Marcinek, J. Miniota, S. Thunberg, E. Lagerstedt, J. Gustafson, G. Skantze, and B. Irfan

    Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction.

    [PDF]  [BibTeX]  doi:10.1145/3678957.3685729

    author = {Pereira, Andre and Marcinek, Lubos and Miniota, Jura and Thunberg, Sofia and Lagerstedt, Erik and Gustafson, Joakim and Skantze, Gabriel and Irfan, Bahar},
    title = {Multimodal User Enjoyment Detection in Human-Robot Conversation: The Power of Large Language Models},
    year = {2024},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction},
    publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
    address = {New York, NY, USA},
    pages = {469–478},
    keywords = {Affect Recognition, Human-Robot Interaction, Large Language Models, Multimodal, Older Adults, User Enjoyment},
    location = {San Jose, Costa Rica},
    series = {ICMI '24},
    url = {},
    doi = {10.1145/3678957.3685729}

  • Human-Robot Interaction Conversational User Enjoyment Scale (HRI CUES)

    B. Irfan, J. Miniota, S. Thunberg, E. Lagerstedt, S. Kuoppamäki, G. Skantze, and A. Pereira


    [PDF]  [BibTeX] 

    title={Human-Robot Interaction Conversational User Enjoyment Scale (HRI CUES)},
    author={Irfan, Bahar and Miniota, Jura and Thunberg, Sofia and Lagerstedt, Erik and Kuoppamäki, Sanna and Skantze, Gabriel and Pereira, André},

  • Recommendations for Designing Conversational Companion Robots with Older Adults through Foundation Models

    B. Irfan, S. Kuoppamäki, and G. Skantze

    Frontiers in Robotics and AI.

    [PDF]  [BibTeX]  doi:10.3389/frobt.2024.1363713

    author={Irfan, Bahar and Kuoppamäki, Sanna and Skantze, Gabriel },
    title={Recommendations for Designing Conversational Companion Robots with Older Adults through Foundation Models},
    journal={Frontiers in Robotics and AI},

  • Lifelong Learning and Personalization in Long-Term Human-Robot Interaction (LEAP-HRI): Open-World Learning

    B. Irfan, M. Staffa, A. Bobu, and N. Churamani

    Companion of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction.

    [PDF]  [BibTeX]  doi:10.1145/3610978.3638159

    author = {Irfan, Bahar and Staffa, Mariacarla and Bobu, Andreea and Churamani, Nikhil},
    title = {Lifelong Learning and Personalization in Long-Term Human-Robot Interaction (LEAP-HRI): Open-World Learning},
    year = {2024},
    publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
    address = {New York, NY, USA},
    doi = {10.1145/3610978.3638159},
    booktitle = {Companion of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction},
    pages = {1323--1325},
    location = {Boulder, CO, USA},
    series = {HRI '24}


  • Between Reality and Delusion: Challenges of Applying Large Language Models to Companion Robots for Open-Domain Dialogues with Older Adults

    B. Irfan, S. Kuoppamäki, and G. Skantze

    Autonomous Robots (preprint).

    [PDF]  [BibTeX]  doi:10.21203/

    author = {Irfan, Bahar and Kuoppamäki, Sanna-Mari and Skantze, Gabriel},
    journal = {Autonomous Robots (preprint)},
    publisher = {Springer},
    title = {Between Reality and Delusion: Challenges of Applying Large Language Models to Companion Robots for Open-Domain Dialogues with Older Adults},
    year = {2023},
    doi = {10.21203/},
    url = {},

  • Lifelong Learning and Personalization in Long-Term Human-Robot Interaction (LEAP-HRI): Adaptivity for All

    B. Irfan, A. Ramachandran, M. Staffa, and H. Gunes

    Companion of the 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction.

    [PDF]  [BibTeX]  doi:10.1145/3568294.3579956

    author = {Irfan, Bahar and Ramachandran, Aditi and Staffa, Mariacarla and Gunes, Hatice},
    title = {Lifelong Learning and Personalization in Long-Term Human-Robot Interaction (LEAP-HRI): Adaptivity for All},
    year = {2023},
    publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
    doi = {10.1145/3568294.3579956},
    booktitle = {Companion of the 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction},
    pages = {929--931},
    location = {Stockholm, Sweden},
    series = {HRI '23},

  • Human-Robot Conversational Interaction (HRCI)

    D. McMillan, R. Jaber, B. R. Cowan, J. E. Fischer, B. Irfan, R. Cumbal, N. Zargham, and M. Lee

    Companion of the 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction.

    [PDF]  [BibTeX]  doi:10.1145/3568294.3579954

    author = {McMillan, Donald and Jaber, Razan and Cowan, Benjamin R. and Fischer, Joel E. and Irfan, Bahar and Cumbal, Ronald and Zargham, Nima and Lee, Minha},
    title = {Human-Robot Conversational Interaction (HRCI)},
    year = {2023},
    publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
    doi = {10.1145/3568294.3579954},
    booktitle = {Companion of the 2023 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction},
    pages = {923--925},
    location = {Stockholm, Sweden},
    series = {HRI '23},


  • Personalised Socially Assistive Robot for Cardiac Rehabilitation: Critical Reflections on Long-Term Interactions in the Real World

    B. Irfan, N. Céspedes, J. Casas, E. Senft, C. A. Cifuentes, L. F. Gutiérrez, M. Rincon-Roncancio, T. Belpaeme, and M. Múnera

    User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction.

    [PDF]  [BibTeX]  doi:10.1007/s11257-022-09323-0

    author = {Irfan, Bahar and C\'{e}spedes, Natalia and Casas, Jonathan and Senft, Emmanuel and Cifuentes, Carlos A. and Guti\'{e}rrez, Luisa F. and Rincon-Roncancio, M\'{o}nica and Belpaeme, Tony and M\'{u}nera, Marcela},
    title = {Personalised Socially Assistive Robot for Cardiac Rehabilitation: Critical Reflections on Long-Term Interactions in the Real World},
    year = {2022},
    publisher = {Springer},
    doi = {10.1007/s11257-022-09323-0},
    journal = {User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction},


  • Multi-Modal Open World User Identification

    B. Irfan, M. G. Ortiz, N. Lyubova, and T. Belpaeme

    Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction.

    [PDF]  [BibTeX]  doi:10.1145/3477963

    author = {Irfan, Bahar and Ortiz, Michael Garcia and Lyubova, Natalia and Belpaeme, Tony},
    title = {Multi-Modal Open World User Identification},
    year = {2021},
    publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
    address = {New York, NY, USA},
    volume = {11},
    number = {1},
    url = {},
    doi = {10.1145/3477963},
    journal = {Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction},

  • Coffee With a Hint of Data: Towards Using Data-Driven Approaches in Personalised Long-Term Interactions

    B. Irfan, M. Hellou, and T. Belpaeme

    Frontiers in Robotics and AI.

    [PDF]  [BibTeX]  doi:10.3389/frobt.2021.676814

    author={Irfan, Bahar and Hellou, Mehdi and Belpaeme, Tony},
    title={Coffee With a Hint of Data: Towards Using Data-Driven Approaches in Personalised Long-Term Interactions},
    journal={Frontiers in Robotics and AI},

  • A Socially Assistive Robot for Long-Term Cardiac Rehabilitation in the Real World

    N. Céspedes, B. Irfan, E. Senft, C. A. Cifuentes, L. F. Gutierrez, M. Rincon-Roncancio, T. Belpaeme, and M. Múnera

    Frontiers in Neurorobotics.

    [PDF]  [BibTeX]  doi:10.3389/fnbot.2021.633248

    author = {C\'{e}spedes, Natalia and Irfan, Bahar and Senft, Emmanuel and Cifuentes, Carlos A. and Gutierrez, Luisa F. and Rincon-Roncancio, M\'{o}nica and Belpaeme, Tony and M\'{u}nera, Marcela},
    journal={Frontiers in Neurorobotics},
    title={A Socially Assistive Robot for Long-Term Cardiac Rehabilitation in the Real World},

  • Lifelong Learning and Personalization in Long-Term Human-Robot Interaction (LEAP-HRI)

    B. Irfan, A. Ramachandran, S. Spaulding, S. Kalkan, G. I. Parisi, and H. Gunes

    Companion of the 2021 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction.

    [PDF]  [BibTeX]  doi:10.1145/3434074.3444881

    author = {Irfan, Bahar and Ramachandran, Aditi and Spaulding, Samuel and Kalkan, Sinan and Parisi, German I. and Gunes, Hatice},
    title = {Lifelong Learning and Personalization in Long-Term Human-Robot Interaction (LEAP-HRI)},
    year = {2021},
    publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
    address = {New York, NY, USA},
    doi = {10.1145/3434074.3444881},
    booktitle = {Companion of the 2021 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction},
    pages = {724--727},
    series = {HRI '21 Companion}


  • Dynamic Emotional Language Adaptation in Multiparty Interactions with Agents

    B. Irfan, A. Narayanan, and J. Kennedy

    Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents.

    [PDF]  [BibTeX]  doi:10.1145/3383652.3423881

    author = {Irfan, Bahar and Narayanan, Anika and Kennedy, James},
    title = {Dynamic Emotional Language Adaptation in Multiparty Interactions with Agents},
    year = {2020},
    publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
    address = {New York, NY, USA},
    doi = {10.1145/3383652.3423881},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents},
    articleno = {27},
    numpages = {8},
    keywords = {Emotion adaptation, multiparty interaction, dialogue selection},
    location = {Virtual Event, Scotland, UK},
    series = {IVA '20},
    url = {}

  • Using a Personalised Socially Assistive Robot for Cardiac Rehabilitation: A Long-Term Case Study

    B. Irfan, N. Céspedes Gomez, J. Casas, E. Senft, L. F. Gutiérrez, M. Rincon-Roncancio, M. Munera, T. Belpaeme, and C. A. Cifuentes

    29th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN).

    [PDF]  [BibTeX]  doi:10.1109/RO-MAN47096.2020.9223491

    author = {Irfan, Bahar and C\'{e}spedes Gomez, Natalia and Casas, Jonathan and Senft, Emmanuel and Guti\'{e}rrez, Luisa F. and Rincon-Roncancio, Monica and Munera, Marcela and Belpaeme, Tony and Cifuentes, Carlos A.},
    booktitle={29th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN)},
    title={Using a Personalised Socially Assistive Robot for Cardiac Rehabilitation: A Long-Term Case Study},
    keywords={personalisation, real-world study, human-robot interaction, socially assistive robotics, cardiac rehabilitation, long-term interaction},

  • Challenges of a Real-World HRI Study with Non-Native English Speakers: Can Personalisation Save the Day?

    B. Irfan, M. Hellou, A. Mazel, and T. Belpaeme

    Companion of the 2020 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction.

    [PDF]  [BibTeX]  doi:10.1145/3371382.3378278

    author = {Irfan, Bahar and Hellou, Mehdi and Mazel, Alexandre and Belpaeme, Tony},
    title = {Challenges of a Real-World HRI Study with Non-Native English Speakers: Can Personalisation Save the Day?},
    year = {2020},
    isbn = {9781450370578},
    publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
    address = {New York, NY, USA},
    doi = {10.1145/3371382.3378278},
    booktitle = {Companion of the 2020 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction},
    pages = {272--274},
    numpages = {3},
    keywords = {real-world study, personalisation, natural language interaction, human-robot interaction},
    location = {Cambridge, United Kingdom},
    series = {HRI ’20}


  • Personalization in Long-Term Human-Robot Interaction

    B. Irfan, A. Ramachandran, S. Spaulding, D. F. Glas, I. Leite, and K. L. Koay

    2019 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI).

    [PDF]  [BibTeX]  doi:10.1109/HRI.2019.8673076

    author = {Irfan, Bahar and Ramachandran, Aditi and Spaulding, Samuel and Glas, Dylan F. and Leite, Iolanda and Koay, Kheng Lee},
    booktitle={2019 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI)},
    title={Personalization in Long-Term Human-Robot Interaction},
    keywords = {adaptation, personalisation, human-robot interaction, long-term interaction, user recognition, user modeling, long-term memory},


  • Architecture for a Social Assistive Robot in Cardiac Rehabilitation

    J. Casas, N. C. Gomez, E. Senft, B. Irfan, L. Gutiérrez, M. Rincon-Roncancio, M. Munera, T. Belpaeme, and C. A. Cifuentes

    2018 IEEE 2nd Colombian Conference on Robotics and Automation (CCRA).

    [PDF]  [BibTeX]  doi:10.1109/CCRA.2018.8588133

    author={Casas, Jonathan and Gomez, N. C. and Senft, Emmanuel and Irfan, Bahar and Guti{\'e}rrez, Luisa and Rincon-Roncancio, Monica and Munera, Marcela and Belpaeme, Tony and Cifuentes, Carlos A.},
    booktitle={2018 IEEE 2nd Colombian Conference on Robotics and Automation (CCRA)},
    title={Architecture for a Social Assistive Robot in Cardiac Rehabilitation},
    keywords={socially assistive robotics, cardiac rehabilitation, human-robot interaction},
    publisher = {IEEE}

  • Social Psychology and Human-Robot Interaction: An Uneasy Marriage

    B. Irfan, J. Kennedy, S. Lemaignan, F. Papadopoulos, E. Senft, and T. Belpaeme

    Companion of the 2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction.

    [PDF]  [BibTeX]  doi:10.1145/3173386.3173389

    author = {Irfan, Bahar and Kennedy, James and Lemaignan, S{\'e}verin and Papadopoulos, Fotios and Senft, Emmanuel and Belpaeme, Tony},
    title = {Social Psychology and Human-Robot Interaction: An Uneasy Marriage},
    booktitle = {Companion of the 2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction},
    year = {2018},
    location = {Chicago, IL, USA},
    pages = {13--20},
    doi = {10.1145/3173386.3173389},
    keywords = {social psychology, replication crisis, social robotics, human-robot interaction, research methodology},
    publisher = {ACM}

  • Social Assistive Robot for Cardiac Rehabilitation: A Pilot Study with Patients with Angioplasty

    J. Casas, B. Irfan, E. Senft, L. Gutiérrez, M. Rincon-Roncancio, M. Munera, T. Belpaeme, and C. A. Cifuentes

    Companion of the 2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction.

    [PDF]  [BibTeX]  doi:10.1145/3173386.3177052

    author = {Casas, Jonathan and Irfan, Bahar and Senft, Emmanuel and Guti{\'e}rrez, Luisa and Rincon-Roncancio, Monica and Munera, Marcela and Belpaeme, Tony and Cifuentes, Carlos A.},
    title = {Social Assistive Robot for Cardiac Rehabilitation: A Pilot Study with Patients with Angioplasty},
    booktitle = {Companion of the 2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction},
    year = {2018},
    location = {Chicago, IL, USA},
    pages = {79--80},
    doi = {10.1145/3173386.3177052},
    publisher = {ACM},
    keywords = {human-robot interaction, cardiac rehabilitation, socially assistive robotics},
    award = {Second-Prize in HRI'18 Late Breaking Reports}

    [Award]Second-Prize in HRI’18 Late Breaking Reports

  • Multi-modal Open-Set Person Identification in HRI

    B. Irfan, N. Lyubova, M. Garcia Ortiz, and T. Belpaeme

    2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction Social Robots in the Wild workshop.

    [PDF]  [BibTeX] 

    author={Irfan, Bahar and Lyubova, Natalia and Garcia Ortiz, Michael and Belpaeme, Tony},
    booktitle = {2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction Social Robots in the Wild workshop},
    title={Multi-modal Open-Set Person Identification in HRI},
    year = {2018},
    location = {Chicago, IL, USA},
    url = {},
    keywords={user recognition, Bayesian network, multi-modal data fusion, soft biometrics, personalisation, human-robot interaction, incremental learning},
    publisher = {ACM}

  • Towards a SAR System for Personalized Cardiac Rehabilitation: A Patient with PCI

    J. Casas, B. Irfan, E. Senft, L. Gutiérrez, M. Rincon-Roncancio, M. Munera, T. Belpaeme, and C. A. Cifuentes

    2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction Personal Robots for Exercising and Coaching workshop.

    [PDF]  [BibTeX] 

    author={Casas, Jonathan and Irfan, Bahar and Senft, Emmanuel and Guti{\'e}rrez, Luisa and Rincon-Roncancio, Monica and Munera, Marcela and Belpaeme, Tony and Cifuentes, Carlos A.},
    booktitle = {2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction Personal Robots for Exercising and Coaching workshop},
    title={Towards a SAR System for Personalized Cardiac Rehabilitation: A Patient with PCI},
    year = {2018},
    location = {Chicago, IL, USA},
    url = {},
    keywords = {human-robot interaction, cardiac rehabilitation, socially assistive robotics},
    publisher = {ACM}


  • Sensor Interface for Cardiac Rehabilitation Monitoring: Pilot Clinical Study

    J. S. Lara, J. Casas, M. Munera, E. Senft, B. Irfan, L. F. Gutiérrez, L. Pinzón, T. Belpaeme, M. Rincon, and C. A. Cifuentes

    Proceedings of the IX Congreso Iberoamericano de Tecnologías de Apoyo a la Discapacidad (IBERDISCAP 2017).

    [PDF]  [BibTeX] 

    author={Lara, Juan S. and Casas, Jonathan and Munera, Marcela and Senft, Emmanuel and Irfan, Bahar and Guti{\'e}rrez, Luisa F. and Pinz{\'o}n, Lorena and Belpaeme, Tony and Rincon, Monica and Cifuentes, Carlos A.},
    booktitle={Proceedings of the IX Congreso Iberoamericano de Tecnologías de Apoyo a la Discapacidad (IBERDISCAP 2017)},
    title={Sensor Interface for Cardiac Rehabilitation Monitoring: Pilot Clinical Study},
    keywords = {human-robot interaction, cardiac rehabilitation, socially assistive robotics}

  • Human-Robot Sensor Interface for Cardiac Rehabilitation

    J. S. Lara, J. Casas, A. Aguirre, M. Munera, M. Rincon-Roncancio, B. Irfan, E. Senft, T. Belpaeme, and C. A. Cifuentes

    2017 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR).

    [PDF]  [BibTeX]  doi:10.1109/ICORR.2017.8009382

    author={Lara, Juan S. and Casas, Jonathan and Aguirre, Andres and Munera, Marcela and Rincon-Roncancio, Monica and Irfan, Bahar and Senft, Emmanuel and Belpaeme, Tony and Cifuentes, Carlos A.},
    booktitle={2017 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR)},
    title={Human-Robot Sensor Interface for Cardiac Rehabilitation},
    keywords = {human-robot interaction, cardiac rehabilitation, socially assistive robotics},

  • Child Speech Recognition in Human-Robot Interaction: Evaluations and Recommendations

    J. Kennedy, S. Lemaignan, C. Montassier, P. Lavalade, B. Irfan, F. Papadopoulos, E. Senft, and T. Belpaeme

    Proceedings of the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction.

    [PDF]  [BibTeX]  doi:10.1145/2909824.3020229

    author = {Kennedy, James and Lemaignan, S{\'e}verin and Montassier, Caroline and Lavalade, Pauline and Irfan, Bahar and Papadopoulos, Fotios and Senft, Emmanuel and Belpaeme, Tony},
    title = {Child Speech Recognition in Human-Robot Interaction: Evaluations and Recommendations},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction},
    year = {2017},
    location = {Vienna, Austria},
    pages = {82--90},
    doi = {10.1145/2909824.3020229},
    keywords = {automatic speech recognition, child-robot interaction, verbal interaction, interaction design recommendations, human-robot interaction},
    publisher = {ACM}



  • Multi-modal Personalisation in Long-Term Human-Robot Interaction

    B. Irfan

    Workshop on Personal Robotics and Secure Human-Robot Collarboration, 9th Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-EPIROB 2019).

    [PDF]  [PDF] 


  • Recognition Using Multi-Modal Data Fusion

    B. Irfan and T. Belpaeme

    3rd International Summer School on Social Human-Robot Interaction.


  • Social Learning Through Contingent Interaction

    B. Irfan, T. Belpaeme, N. Lyubova, and T. Dahl

    UK Robotics Week, Plymouth University.


  • Manipulation and Placement Planning for Loading a Dishwasher

    B. Irfan, T. Belpaeme, N. Lyubova, and T. Dahl

    UK Robotics Week, Plymouth University.


  • Manipulation and Placement Planning for Loading a Dishwasher

    B. İrfan and L. H. Akın

    Oberseminar, Sabanci University.

  • Cerberus’15 Team Report

    H. L. Akın, O. Aşık, B. Görer, B. İrfan, M. Doyran, B. Erden, and K. Y. Usta

    Technical Report, Bogazici University.



  • Cerberus’15 Team Report

    H. L. Akın, O. Aşık, B. Görer, A. Erdem, and B. İrfan

    Technical Report, Bogazici University.



Conversational Robots with Large Language Models

Invited Talk, 2nd International Symposium on Humans at the Centre of HRI, NAVER LABS Europe, November 2024

Large Language Models in the RoMan Age: Exploring Social Impact and Implications for Design and Ethics Workshop

Panelist, International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), August 2024

Weighing the Benefits of Autonomous Robot persoNalisation (WARN) Workshop

Panelist, International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), August 2024

Large Language Models in Conversational Robots for Older Adults: Challenges and Recommendations

Postdoctoral Talk, KTH, May 2024

Building Brains: Cognition and Learning in HRI

Panelist, Technological Advances in Human-Robot Interaction (TAHRI), March 2024

Integrating Large Language Models to Conversational Robots for Older Adults: Challenges and Recommendations

Geriatronics: AI and Robotics for Health & Well-Being in Older Age workshop, International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), September 2023

Exploring Challenges of Large Language Models in Companion Robots for Conversations with Older Adults

WASP Interaction, Collaboration, and Visualisation Course, KTH Royal Institute of Techology, June 2023

Personal Robots in the Wild

Deep Dive Talk, KTH Digital Futures, April 2023

Research in Industry

Invited Talk, ANIMATAS Career After PhD seminar, April 2022

Personalisation in Long-Term Human-Robot Interaction: Challenges and Suggestions

HEART TechTalk, SoftBank Robotics Europe, February 2021

Multi-modal Personalisation in Long-Term Human-Robot Interaction

Behaviors.AI workshop (slides), April 2019

Demonstration of multi-modal user recognition

University Clinic of La Sabana (Colombia), April 2017

Social Learning Through Contingent Interaction
Programming NAO robot

Introduction to HRI workshop, Colombian School of Engineering Julio Garavito, April 2017

Introduction to QiChat

NAO Hackathon, University of Plymouth, February 2017



MECH533:  Robotics and Automation : <i>Fall 2016</i>
AINT512:  Science and Technology of Human-Robot Interaction : <i>Fall 2016</i><br>
Guest lectures on Naoqi and QiChat


CMPE150:  Introduction to Computing (C Programming) : <i>Spring and Fall 2015</i>
CMPE260:  Principles of Programming Languages : <i>Spring 2015</i>
CMPE150:  Introduction to Computing (Java Programming) : <i>Fall 2014</i>
CMPE300:  Analysis of Algorithms : <i>Fall 2014</i>
CMPE321:  Introduction to Database Systems : <i>Spring 2014</i>
CMPE250:  Data Structures and Algorithms (C++ programming) : <i>Fall 2013</i><br>
Voluntary Assistant

in media

Interview in colombian school of engineering, aprıl 2017


Lifelong Learning and Personalization in Long-Term Human-Robot Interaction (LEAP-HRI) Workshop at HRI

Founder, Coordinator, Co-organizer, and Panel/Debate Moderator
March 2021 - Present

Human-Robot Conversational Interaction (HRCI) Workshop
at HRI

March 2023

Special Session on Short- and Long-Term Personalisation in Human-Robot Interaction

September 2022

6th Workshop on Behavior Adaptation and Learning for Assistive Robotics (BAILAR)

August 2022

Women in Robotics Lunch

September 2022

ACM/IEEE International Conference on
Human-Robot Interaction

Student Volunteer Chair
March 2020

Personalization in Long-Term Human-Robot
Interaction (PLOT-HRI) workshop at HRI

Founder, Coordinator, and Co-organizer
March 2019

3rd Summer School on
Social Human-Robot Interaction

September 2017

APRIL Summer School on Interdisciplinary
Robotics Research Methods

July 2016

International Conference on Autonomous
Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS)

Student Volunteer
May 2015

International Conference on
Multimodal Interaction (ICMI)

Student Volunteer
November 2014

International Workshop on the Algorithmic
Foundations of Robotics (WAFR)

Student Volunteer
August 2014